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Morning is usually good if you're with me

Good morning message for lover in english | Morning motivation quotes in english |  Good morning quotes for wife in english | Good morning message for wife in english

Forgiveness and letting go are steps on our road back to happiness. Good morning, Have A Nice Day.

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Every selfish man, curiously enough, becomes a self slayer Good morning.

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What is love? It is the morning and evening star Good morning.

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A smile is a great way to start your day Good Morning.

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Be with people who make you happy and smile Good morning.

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Good Morning! If nobody has told you they love you YET today let me be the primary I really like you! Have a blessed day

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Hello family and friends, may you all have a pleasing day! God Bless! Good Morning

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Good morning is one of my favorite things to say! It means the day is new and full of possibilities!

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Three of the foremost powerful words you'll tell a woman…Good morning Beautiful.

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I love it how at the beginning of the day it starts all good. Come to the top of it though, everything is screwed up.

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Good Morning friends, I do wish you all the happiness that one can get during a day.

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Wake up greet the day and make a promise to yourself it's going to be an honest day and nobody will change it regardless of what happens.

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Waking up to a replacement day may be a gift, appreciate it and do remember you're loved.

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Good morning and have a splendid day.

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How can anyone NOT like mornings?? God gave you another day… rise, give him your worries and luxuriate in the day.

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Three steps to possess an excellent morning… open your eyes, take a deep breath, and return to sleep. Good Morning.

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GOOD MORNING. It’s a gorgeous day, get out, share your beautiful smile with the planet.

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Good morning is one of my favorite things to mention. It means the day is new and full of possibilities…

Good morning message for lover in english | Morning motivation quotes in english |  Good morning quotes for wife in english | Good morning message for wife in english

If you don’t awaken immediately alongside your full might, you'll never be able to achieve that dream you saw last night Good morning.

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Nothing is impossible when God is on your side Good morning.

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Success is not just a measure of how big you'll DREAM, it is also a measure of what proportion you'll DO Good morning.

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You have no idea how good it feels to awaken every morning knowing you're mine which I'm yours.

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Stop thinking about what proportion more you'll sleep and start thinking about what proportion more you'll do Good morning.

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The biggest sources of motivation are your thoughts, so think big and motivate yourself to win Good morning.

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Tension is that the poison of the Ambition… so no more tension, have full attention on your ambition, you will be in a good position.

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A night hug warms the center, a night kiss brightens the day, & an honest morning to start your day!

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Beware of other duplicate morning wishes I’m the only authorized ISO 2007 certified dealer in morning wishes… I wish a clever sweet beautiful

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A morning greeting doesn’t only mean “good morning”, it is a silent SMS saying “I have remembered you when I wake up”. lookout & have a superb day.

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Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear. They signify 2 all the earth a fresh new day is here.

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May rays of the morning sunlight the fireside in you to understand big things in life Good morning.

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Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is on the brink of happening.

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If yesterday was an honest day, don’t stop. Maybe your streak has just begun Good morning.

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Rise start fresh see the brilliant opportunity in a day.

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I visited sleep last night with a smile because I knew I’d be dreaming of you, but I awakened this morning with a smile because you weren’t a dream.

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It doesn’t matter what day of the week it's. As long as we are together, it'll always be a stunning day Good morning.

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Life isn't about the folks that act faithful your face it is often about the folks that remain true at your back.

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Opportunities will play your door every morning. But if you keep sleeping they go to easily pass you by Good morning.

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If you haven’t been able to achieve something, today is that the simplest time to start out working towards it again Good morning.

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Dreaming or doing could also be a choice which can mean the difference between failure and success Good morning.

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Our eyes are placed within the front because it's more important to look ahead than to look back Good morning.

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One of the simplest gifts you'll give someone is thanking them for being a part of your life Good morning.

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Good morning! There’s nothing kind of a hug to urge you thru the day.

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Add life to your days not days to your life… Good morning!

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You are the first thing to enter my mind within the morning and thus the last item to travel away from my heart within the dark Good morning.

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A night hug warms the center, a night kiss brightens the day, and an honest morning to start your day.

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The journey of life starts with a bag crammed with luck and an empty bag of experience, the goal is to fill the bag with experience before the bag of luck gets empty Good morning.

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No one can stop you from doing anything that's on your mind Good morning.

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You have no idea how good it feels to awaken every morning knowing you're mine which I'm yours.

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Don’t complain about yesterday. Make a much better tomorrow by making the foremost of today Good Morning.

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See outside the Window, Sun rising for you. Flowers smiling for you. Birds singing for you because last night I told them to wish you.

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Everything you would like is already inside you start the morning.

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Stop thinking about what proportion more you'll sleep and start thinking about what proportion more you'll do morning 

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Morning greetings don't only mean saying morning, it is a silent message saying, which I remember you once I awaken Have a pleasant day.

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Shining angel stands, beside your silky bed, calling your nice name so softly, throwing flowers on you and saying.

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Every day may be a new day. Don’t sleep in the past. Enjoy the now and make it count. morning

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Good thoughts precede great deeds. Great deeds precede success. Have an excellent day.

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God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth and that I just caught one so nice and true it’s you.

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And I sing “Good morning, morning, morning to you!”

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Hello, morning all, have a pleasant day.

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One day Monday visited Tuesday to ascertain Wednesday and ask Thursday whether Friday has told Saturday that Sunday may be a Fun day.

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Nothing is impossible when God is on your side Good morning.

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Happy moments Praise God Difficult moments Seek God Quiet moments Worship God painful moments trust God every moment thank God, Good morning.

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We aren't too draw in distance. We’re not too near in miles. But text can still touch our hearts and thoughts can bring us smiles.

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Wishing you a gorgeous and a tremendous day with reminder happiness and peace.

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Success is not just a measure of how big you'll dream, it is also a measure of what proportion you'll do Good morning.

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When you awaken within the morning, kiss the one that you love on the forehead and wish them an honest day Good morning.

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Forget tomorrow, say goodbye to sorrow. believe the longer term, let your life rapture Good morning.

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Every morning is destiny’s way of telling you that your purpose in life is yet to be fulfilled Good morning.

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I walked along the shore within the morning light, the winds have slept within the arms of dawn after crying all night Good morning.

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Rise because each day God always gives us something new Good morning 

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Wake up and face life’s challenges head-on. Else, life will become quite a challenge Good morning.

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Good thoughts precede great deeds. Great deeds precede success Good morning.

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Cheerful people are like Sunlight. They shine into the corners of the center & offer bright mornings & fresh hopes morning to a minimum of one such person.

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I want you around within the morning and that I would like to know you’re legally required to be there.

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Dreams visit us once we are asleep but God is really wise, he wakes us up a day and provides us every chance to make our dreams come true.

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Life may be a rope that swings us through hope. Always believe that today is best than yesterday and tomorrow is getting to be much better than today morning.

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This morning will never ever come in your life again. rise up and make the foremost of it Good morning.

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If you're feeling down, always remember that for as long as your heart remains beating, you still have a purpose during this life Good morning.

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You have no idea how good it feels to awaken every morning knowing you're mine which I'm yours. Good Morning.

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Hello, wake up, Receive my simple gift of excellent morning wrapped with sincerity, tied with care, and sealed with a prayer to stay you safe and happy all day long, take care.

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Don’t awaken with the regret of what you couldn’t accomplish yesterday. awaken while thinking about what you will be able to achieve today Good morning.

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I visited sleep last night with a smile because I knew I’d be dreaming of you … but I awakened this morning with a smile because you weren’t a dream.

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When you are good to others you'll receive it back. once you are feeling good about yourself you'll shine in other people’s eyes. Give and don’t expect anything back. you will be astonished.

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Love is blind. Especially within the morning, because I can’t see a damn thing before having coffee. morning !

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God has added another day in your life not necessarily because you'd love it but because somebody else might need you. morning !

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The muse holds no appointments. you'll never turn it. I don’t understand folks that get up at 9 o’clock within the morning, placed on the coffee, and sit right down to write. morning !

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Good Morning wishing you every day crammed with joyful moments

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Good Morning Facebook friends, I do wish you all the happiness that one can get during a day

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Think about the long run, let your life rapture. morning !

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Nothing is impossible when God is on your side. morning .

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Good morning! There’s nothing kind of a hug to urge you thru the day.

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A good morning is sleeping in with you.

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Every selfish man, funnily enough, becomes a self-slayer

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I might be a morning person if morning happened at Noon!”

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Opportunities will play your door every morning. But if you keep sleeping they go to easily pass you by Good morning 

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Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is on the brink of happening. Good Morning

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A morning text doesn't only mean morning. It also means I feel about you once I wake up

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A bad Attitude is kind of a flat tire. you cannot reach anywhere until you modify it. Good Morning

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Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear. They signify 2 all the earth a fresh new day is here.

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There are some ways to express love and as I learn them, you'll feel more and more blessed. Good Morning

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A morning text doesn’t only mean morning. It also means I feel about you once I awaken

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Think about the long run, let your life rapture. Good Morning!

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Nothing is impossible when God is on your side Good morning.

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Each morning we are born again, what we do today is what matters most. Good Morning.

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You worry a couple of trouble it becomes double but once you smile at it disappear like a bubble so always smile at your problem keep smiling Good morning.

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Success involves people who have the willpower to convert their snooze buttons. Wishing you an awesome morning.

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May rays of the morning sunlight the fireside in you to understand big things in life Good morning.

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If you're feeling down, always remember that for as long as your heart remains beating, you still have a purpose during this life. Have a pleasing day.

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Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear. They signify to all or any or any the earth a fresh new day is here.

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Dreaming or Doing could also be a choice which can mean the difference between failure and success Good morning.

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Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is on the brink of happening.

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There is no hope for a civilization that starts a day to the sound of a timepiece.

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A morning greeting doesn’t only mean morning, it is a silent message saying I even have remembered you once I awaken. lookout and have a superb day.

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I wish that this morning helps you get one step closer to all or any of the dreams that you simply are dreaming last night Good morning.

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Wake up a day and be thankful for all time. Good Morning!

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If you've something to wake-up to within the morning it'll be much easier to awaken. Good Morning

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On Sunday mornings, because the dawn burned into the day, swarms of gulls descended on the uncollected trash, hovering and dropping within the cold clear light Good morning.

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Each morning we are born again, what we do today is what matters most.

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Meeting you woke me up from the loneliness that I wont to get over. Now all I would like is to awaken next to you and my day is complete.

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Life never seems to be the way we might love it, but we live it the only way we'll. there's no perfect life, but we'll fill it with perfect moments.

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A great attitude is kind of an ideal cup of coffee, don’t start your day without it Good morning.

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A good status permanently person for an honest reason at an honest time on an honest day during an honest mood to say Good morning.

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Forget the things that made you sad and remember people that made you glad Good morning

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Forget the troubles that gave up the ghost and remember the blessings that come a day.

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Every morning, look within the mirror and affirm positive words into your life Good morning.

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The greatest inspiration you'll ever get is to know that you simply are thought to others. awaken and start living an inspirational life today Good morning.

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Good Morning, this is often not just a greeting. It signifies the hope that the gorgeous morning will bring a smile on your face and happiness in your life.

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When you are good to others you'll receive it back. once you feel good about yourself you'll shine in other people’s eyes. Give and don’t expect anything back. you'll be astonished.

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You are the first thing to enter my mind within the morning and thus the last item to travel away from my heart within the dark.

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Morning is wonderful its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.

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When you awaken within the morning, kiss the one that you love on the forehead and wish them an honest day.

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If you've something to wake-up to within the morning it'll be much easier to awaken Good morning

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Don’t blame God for not showering you with gifts. He gives you the gift of a replacement day with every single morning Good morning.

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Every morning brings new potential, but if you dwell on the misfortunes of the day before, you tend to overlook tremendous opportunities Good morning.

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Even the tiniest of thoughts have the potential to become the foremost important of successes, all you've to undertake to do is get up and acquire going Good morning.

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Love is blind. Especially within the morning, because I can’t see a damn thing before having coffee Good morning.

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The biggest sources of motivation are your own thoughts, so think big and motivate yourself to win Good Morning.

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Good morning is not just a word, it’s an action and a belief to live the entire day well.

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Morning is that the time once you set the tone for the rest of the day, Set it right.

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Every morning comes with this promise, give the wings of effort to your dreams and your life is going to be filled with bliss Goodmorning.

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I visited sleep last night with a smile because I knew I did be dreaming of you. But, I awakened this morning with a smile because you weren't a dream.

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May rays of the morning sunlight the fireside in you to understand big things in life Good morning.

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Rise up start fresh see the brilliant opportunity in a day.

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Forget the things that made you sad and remember people that made you glad. Forget the troubles that gave up the ghost and remember the blessings that come a day Good morning.

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If you don’t awaken immediately together with your full might, you'll never be ready to achieve that dream you saw last night Good morning.

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If yesterday was an honest day, don’t stop. Maybe your streak has just begun Good morning.

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May you start today with a smile on your face and happiness in your soul Good morning.

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This cute smile for you to mention Good morning.

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This message is to remind you that you simply are beautiful, talented and one among a sort nobody can stop you from doing anything that's on your mind Good morning.

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A great attitude is kind of an ideal cup of coffee, don’t start your day without it Good morning.

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Nothing is impossible when God is on your side morning 

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Pray not because you would like something but because you've got tons to thank God permanently Morning

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I’m not a morning person, don’t pull my covers off the morning

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Nothing like awakening with GOD by your side and occasional in your cup!! 

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Good Morning Wishing you each day filled with joyful moments.

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I might be a morning person if morning happened at Noon!

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The easiest way to wake up in the mornings is the coffee in bed.

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Wake up! it’s morning time with cheerful moments. 

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Usually, I even have an honest mood within the mornings, until I start meeting people.

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You can wake up and say ‘Good Morning, God’ or ‘Good God, it’s morning

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Each moment during a day has its own value. Good Morning

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 I may be up, but I don’t have to like it! 

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Add life to your days not days to your life. 

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Mission one accomplished. I woke up.

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Without me, my coffee is useless.

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Just the thought of you brightens up my morning.

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Every morning the way you take me in your arms makes my day special. Good Morning

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Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the sole sunshine he sees all day. Good Morning

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From morning dawn to evening’s last star, always remember how special you are!!

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Every morning jogs my memory of all the incorrect dreams I had been chasing all my life until I found the proper one. you…

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Good Morning friends and families Blessings to you and you are always Have a good day and God Bless…

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Good morning A special coffee for you, mixed amorously and affection. have a beautiful day! 

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patience isn't the power to attend, but the power to stay an honest attitude (and my mouth shut) while waiting!

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Good morning everybody! Remember you're beautiful because God never makes mistakes Good Morning!!

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Never pretend to a love which you don’t actually pity, love isn't ours to command. 

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Good Morning! Wishing you each day filled with love and peace!!

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I will say yes to all or any of the great things that come my way… 

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Every morning I awaken happy because I do know I will be able to see you.

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Good Morning. May you start today with a smile on your face, and happily for your soul to…

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You have no idea how good it feels to awaken every morning knowing you're mine and that I am yours. Good Morning. 

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The best feeling: once you awaken at 5 am and realize you continue to have more hours to sleep.

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Wake up everyday and be thankful for all time. Good Morning.

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Every morning you've got two choices, continue your roll in the hay dreams or awaken and chase your dreams. GOOD MORNING

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Seriously …….. Our mornings are awesome once we see the text from the person we actually look after.

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Every Morning may be a Symbol Of the Rebirth Of Our Life So Forget All Yesterdays Bad Moments And Make Today Beautiful…. GUD MORNING 

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Three steps to possess an excellent morning, open your eyes, take a deep breath, and return to sleep. Good Morning

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Like the sunshine within the morning, may this brighten your day, and remind you that you’re thought of in a very warm way.

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How can anyone NOT like mornings?? God gave you another day… rise up, give him your worries, and luxuriate in the day.

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Waking up to a replacement day may be a gift, appreciate it, and do remember you're loved. Good morning and have a splendid day.

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Forgiveness and letting go are steps on our road back to happiness. Good morning, Have A Nice Day.

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Wake up greet the day and make a promise to yourself it's going to be a good day and no one will change it no matter what happens.

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A smile may be a good way to start out of your day. Good Morning.

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What is love? It is the morning and evening star.

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Good Morning friends have a blessed day!!

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Love the life you reside, Live the life you're keen on … Good Morning!

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Whoever says “Good Morning” on Monday’s deserves to urge slapped 

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Morning would be great if it didn’t come so early within the day.

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Every day is the start of something beautiful. Good Morning

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I hate it when a dream is near the simplest part, and you wake up!

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Awake, coffee, sunshine, and another day off, life is good!

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Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. ‘Good Morning

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Love the life you reside, Live the life you love..!

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One kind word can change someone’s entire day.

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Every new day may be a chance to vary your life.

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Morning brings hope, afternoon brings faith.

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Good Morning Facebook friends, I do wish you all the happiness that one can get during a days time.

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I love it how at the beginning of the day it starts out all good. Come to the top of it though, everything is screwed up.

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Three of the foremost powerful words you'll tell a woman… morning Beautiful

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Good morning is one among my favorite things to say! It means the day is new and filled with possibilities!

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Good Morning! If nobody has told you they love you YET today let me be the primary i really like you! Have a blessed day …

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You are braver than you think that , stronger than you seem and smarter than you think that that . 

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You attract what you are, not what you want.

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It’s not who you are that holds you behind, it’s who you think your are not.

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Don’t be afraid to give up the good and go for great.

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Never apologize for having high standards, people that actually need to be in your life will rise to satisfy them.

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Fear being within the very same place next year as you're today.

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A hill is simply another opportunity to go away your competition behind.

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You didn’t come this far only to come this far.

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If we keep doing what we are doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting.

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Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.

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If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough.

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If you don’t build your dreams, somebody else will hire you to make theirs.

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Between stimulus and response is our greatest power the freedom to choose.

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I create new enemies every day, it’s called business

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When you have billion Dollar vision, don’t surround yourself with 1 cent minds.

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keep going Everything you would like will come to you at the right time.

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It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you are doing not stop

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If you are feeling like abandoning , just reminisce on how far you're already.

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Remember it’s just a nasty day, not a nasty life.

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Success is what happens after you've got survived all of your disappointments.

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When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to vary .

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Success is what happens after you've got survived all of your disappointments.

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Everything you would like will come to you at the right time.

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When you do something beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps. - John Lennon

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Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters the most. - Buddha

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Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning, and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life. - Yoko Ono

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Be pleasant until ten o’clock in the morning, and the rest of the day will take care of itself. - Elbert Hubbard

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I simply wake up every morning a better person than when I went to bed. - Sidney Poitier

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The sun just touched the morning; the morning, happy thing, supposed that he had come to dwell, and life would be all spring. - Emily Dickinson

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Blessings of grace and peace be with you today and each day Good morning .

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Good Morning may your cup filled up with blessings today.

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If someone seriously wants to be part of you life, they will seriously make an effort to be in it No reasons No excuses Good Morning.

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Don't wake up with the regret of what you couldn't accomplish yesterday Wake up while brooding about what is going to be ready to achieve today Good Morning.

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Good morning, make positive thoughts and luxuriate in every moment of this day.

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A beautiful life does not just happens It is built daily by prayers, humility, sacrifice and love Good Morning.

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You are a rare gem, an exclusive, a edition  There is only one of you Have an amazing day Good Morning.

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Difficult road often lead to beautiful destinations Good Morning.

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Everyday is a new beginning Take a deep breath, smile and start again Good Morning.

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I hope you wake up feeling exceptional You are important, needed and unique Good Morning.

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Good Morning Let me love you if not for the remainder of your life then for the remainder of mine

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A little hello and much of affection to start out your time off bright Good morning.

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It cost $0.00 to be grateful for what you've got Good Morning.

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It's only a good morning when I know I have you

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Listen to silence It has so much to say Good morning.

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All the problems are stuck between Mind and Matter If you don't Mind, it doesn't Matter Good Morning! Have a wonderful day.

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Everyday hold the possibility of a miracle Good Morning Have a nice day.

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The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful, then are you Good Morning.

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Good Morning Wishing you a day full of sunny smiles and happy thoughts.

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Good morning Have an awesome day.

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Good Morning Another day, another blessing and another chance at life Take nothing without any consideration and consider every breath as a present.

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Sometimes the best test in life is having the ability to bless somebody else while browsing your own storm Good Morning.

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A happy person is happy, not because everything is true in his life He is happy because his attitude towards everything in his life is right Good Morning.

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Good Morning Keep your smile on.

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The greatest inspiration you'll ever get is to understand that you simply are an idea to others Wake up and begin living an inspirational life today Good Morning

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Just in case no one has told you today - Good Morning, I believe in you, you're doing great.

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The world is full of nice people If you can't find one, be one Good morning.

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Remember who you really are today Know that you too have the power to overcome anything you may be facing It's time for you to Rise and Shine.

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The line between failure and success is so fine that we are often on the road and don't realize it  Good Morning.

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Good Morning Life never seems to be the way we want it, but we live it the best way we can There is no perfect life, but we will fill it with perfect moments Have a wonderful day.

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Hey... you up yet? Wanted to say Good Morning.

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Today will be fabulous Get ready for it Good Morning!

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Sending the warmest wishes your way, let them lighten up your day Just like morning sun rays Good morning.

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Accept what's , abandoning of what was, have faith in what is going to be Good Morning.

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Good morning "Life becomes more meaningful once you realize the straightforward incontrovertible fact that you'll never get an equivalent moment twice"

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Sending you millions of smiles Take one each morning, because i would like to ascertain you smiling always Have a blessed day Good Morning.

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Every new day is a new opportunity for success. Good Morning!

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The importance of excellent people in our life is simply just like the importance of heartbeats it isn't visible but silently supports our life Good morning.

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The sweetest moment in life comes not with the greetings you receive but with the thought that somebody wishes the simplest for you Good morning.

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Worrying doesn't take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace Good Morning.

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A good morning text doesn't only mean "Good Morning" It has a silent message that says "I think of you when I wake up".

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Today are going to be amazing so awaken and smile Positivity is a choice that becomes a lifestyle Good Morning.

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This is not just another day, this is yet another chance to make your dreams come true Good Morning!

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A cup of joy, I'm sending your way with blessings for a positive day Good Morning.

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The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts So think happy and positive Good Morning.

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Set a goal that creates you would like to leap out of bed within the morning.

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When you start every day with a grateful heart, light illuminates from within.

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I opened two gifts this morning They were my eyes.

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Some days you only need to create your own sunshine Good Morning!

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You will never have today again so make it count Good Morning!

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Don't' worry be happy Have a wonderful day Good Morning!

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Rise up, start fresh to ascertain the brilliant opportunity in each new day.

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How to have a lovely day Smile at strangers, slow down, say many thanks , give many compliments, dress nicely, wear perfume, observe and listen, be charming, laugh, wish others a stunning day.

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Having a rough morning? Place your hand over your heart Feel that? That's called purpose You're alive for a reason Don't give up.

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Happy thoughts are the sole cure for a sleepy morning and that i feel the happiest once I believe you Good Morning.

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Everyday might not be good, but there's something good in a day  Good Morning.

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Light tomorrow with today's sunshine Good Morning.

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Even the littlest of thoughts have the potential to become the most important of successes … all you've got to try to to is rise up and obtain going Good morning.

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Each Morning we are born again, what we do today is what matters most Don't sweat the tiny stuff Good morning .

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This morning will never ever come in your life again rise up and make the foremost of it good morning 

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Good morning  Let your soul expand, let your heart reach bent others in loving and generous warmth, and great and lasting are going to be your joy and prosperity will come to you.

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Being happy or sad, gloomy or excited, moody or stable... are options that are presented to you each morning. you only need to make the proper choice. Have a pleasant day.

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Make today ridiculously amazing Good  morning

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Good morning "The minute you think that of abandoning any relation, consider the rationale why you held it goodbye " Have a pleasant day.

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Choose to shine just like the rising sun. morning !

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While you awaken today, someone is breathing their last breath... Thank god for an additional day. Don't waste it!

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Loneliness may be a special enjoyment when chosen by our self.. but hard to digest when gifted by others... Good Morning!

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When you arise within the morning, consider what a precious privilege it's to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

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I love the smell of possibility within the morning.

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Wake up determinedly , attend bed with satisfaction. Good Morning!

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Wake up and face life’s challenges head-on. Else, life will become quite challenge. Good Morning!

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Stop thinking of what could fail and begin thinking of what could go right. Good Morning.

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Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is close to happen. Good Morning!

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Every morning may be a new beginning, a replacement blessing, a replacement hope. it is a perfect day because it's God's gift. Have a blessed, hopeful, perfect day to start with.

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Never stop believing in hope because miracles happen a day . Good Morning.

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You don’t need to be great to start out , but you've got to start out to be great. Good Morning!

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Good Morning search like sun flowers and blessing will come right down to you.

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Rise up and attack the day with enthusiasm Good morning.

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Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may be a mystery, today may be a blessing Good morning.

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Mistake increase your experience, and knowledge decreases your mistakes Good Morning.

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Good Morning Life laughs at you once you are unhappy Life smiles at you once you are happy But life salutes you once you make others happy. 

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Life always provide you with a second chance It’s called tomorrow Good Morning.

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Good Morning it is a fresh day Let this be the primary day of the remainder of your life.

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My plan for today? Same as always: drink coffee and be sexy. Always positive vibes within the Morning!

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Dear past, many thanks for all the teachings . Dear future, i'm ready. Good Morning!

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When you awaken every morning, look within the mirror and provides yourself an enormous smile. The smile is sacred gift of life.

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This morning is what it's because you were what you were yesterday. Be what you ought to be today in order that you'll be what you would like to become tomorrow.

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Wake up everyday and be thankful for all times  Good Morning.

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Hello, Good Morning! I hope you've got a ridiculously amazing day!

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The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful then are you. Good Morning!

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Mornings --The neatest thing about awakening is knowing... you've got another cup of coffee to enjoy.

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Sunshine is that the best medicine.

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Good Morning. Every sunset gives us at some point less to live! But every sunrise gives us at some point more to hope. So hope for the best! adieu and good luck!

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Nothing is impossible when God is on you side. Good Morning.

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No matter how good or bad your life is, awaken each morning and be thankful that you simply still have one.

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Mornings are gifts from God. Good Morning!

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Good Morning! Beautiful day isn't it? leave , hang with friends and have fun!

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If you would like to form your dreams come true, the primary thing to try to to is awaken . Good Morning!

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God's greatest blessing is waking you up. That's how marvelous he's , that's how he shows his love. Good Morning!

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Think about the dreams you had last night to form your lazy morning a gorgeous one.

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Every morning starts a replacement page in your story. Make it an excellent one today.

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Every Morning may be a chance at a replacement day. awaken and make something happen today.

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Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.

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Just the thought of you brightens up my morning.

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A little step could also be the start of an excellent journey. Good Morning!

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Life may be a gift. awaken everyday and realize that.

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A day without laughter may be a day wasted. Have an excellent Morning!

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You've never lived today before, and you never will again. make the foremost out of it!

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The purpose of life is to measure it, to taste experience to the utmost, to succeed in out eagerly and without for newer and richer experience. Good Morning.

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Open your eyes therefore the sun can rise and flowers can blossom because all are waiting to ascertain your beautiful smile. Good Morning.

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Mornings would be tons better if I awakened next to you.

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Life is sort of a mirror, it'll smile at you if you smile at it. Good Morning!

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Let go of all the desires that hinder your progress and move towards your purpose. Have a nice day! Good Morning!

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Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.

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The way you get out of bed will lay the inspiration of the day that lies ahead. So wake up with a smile and walk out with a bounce in your step... you deserve it.

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Rise up, start fresh, see the bright opportunity each day.

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Every morning comes with this promise — give the wings of effort to your dreams and your life are going to be filled with bliss.

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The morning is good because we remember that no matter what went wrong the previous days, we just got a perfect opportunity to rewrite history and do better.

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Every morning is destiny’s way of telling you that your purpose in life is yet to be fulfilled

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Mornings are a great way to enjoy the world. You see it as it should be- peaceful, quiet and the birds are singing

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If you haven’t been ready to achieve something, today is that the best time to start out working towards it again.

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Each new morning brings you a special gift. The mistakes of yesterday are gone. Use the day to avoid the mistakes of tomorrow.

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To become great, you would like to try to to great things — one among which is awakening early within the morning.

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Opportunities will knock on your door every morning. But if you retain sleeping they're going to simply pass you by.

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The beauty of the morning is wasted on those that sleep through it. Don’t be like them. Capture the day, make it your own. Get a start on those that waste the sweetness freely granted to them.

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Good Morning — this is not just a greeting. It signifies the hope that the beautiful morning will bring a smile on your face and happiness in your life.

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Every new morning gives you the chance to learn, to strive, and to be better than you were the day before.

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When you arise within the morning, consider what a precious privilege it's to be alive — to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

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Saying “Good morning” has this refreshing feel thereto , it seems like a warm shower after rolling in mud. You can practically feel the load of the previous day wash your back.

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Today are going to be amazing, so awaken and smile. Positivity is a choice that becomes a lifestyle.

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Every morning you have two options, continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them. The choice is yours

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Your love is all i want to remain motivated throughout the day. Thank you for being so inspiring. Good morning!

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I wish you peace the kind that lights you up from the inside out. Good morning!

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When the sun’s rays first appear over the horizon, we are reminded that there's always something good about the day.

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The morning shines upon everyone the same. Its beauty is for rich or poor alike. You are not less than anyone else in the eyes of the morning.

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Each morning brings you a fresh new day to satisfy unique challenges. Time to get up and meet them.

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Night tells you everything is grim. But morning brings the message of hope and that things are not as bad as they seem.

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You give me strength; you give me just what I need. And I can feel the hope that’s rising in me. It’s a good morning.

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The morning isn't the enemy sent to torture us. It has been designed to help us. The morning provides us some quiet time of reflection, so we will improve ourselves.

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The morning welcomes you with open arms. Give the same greeting to others. Then see how much your day has changed for the better.

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Wake within the morning with a winged heart and provides thanks for an additional day of loving.

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Greet the morning right, and you'll feel good about yourself. It is an attitude you can use when relating to others. Treat them right, and you'll feel good about yourself.

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Every new morning gives you an opportunity to make someone’s day better.

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The dreams you had last night can only come to reality if you get up and work at achieving them today. So, don’t waste any more time, get out there, and do your best. Good Morning.

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Just because my path is different doesnt mean i am lost Good morning

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If you don't risk anything you can't gain any thing

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I like my coffee black and my mornings bright

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I arise within the morning torn between a desire to enhance the planet and a desire to enjoy the planet 

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In these times you've got to be an optimist to open your eyes once you awake within the morning.

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Your cute smile is what makes awakening worth a day 

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Good morning my love Have a tremendous day

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very day I feel may be a blessing from God and that i consider it a replacement beginning Yeah everything is gorgeous 

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I awaken every morning literally with a smile on my face, grateful for an additional day I never thought Id see

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Start your day with a smile because you're lucky to possess seen a replacement day

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Each morning we are born again What we do today is what matters most

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Give a day the prospect to become the foremost beautiful day of your life morning-glory at my window satisfies me quite the metaphysics of books

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It was raining once I got up but i assumed of you and therefore the sun came out That's my secret for having a pleasant day

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Work Hard In Silence Let Your Success Be Your Noise

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Every Successful Person features a Painful Story every Painful Story features a Successful Ending So Accept The Pain and obtain able to Success

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Worry may be a Total Waste of your time It Doesn't Change Anything All It Does Is Steal Your Joy And Keep You Busy Doing Nothing

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I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up. ~Benjamin Franklin

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Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life. ~Mark Twain

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You are not just a friend, you are my morning sunshine. 

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I think of you and all the fun we have had all these years and I hope this friendship continues as long as I live. Have a great day! ~Jermaine Morris

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Trust me, once I awakened today, I had no plans to be awesome. But shit happens.

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Just because I’m awake doesn’t mean I'm working at full capacity.Good morning

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Part of me is thinking Wow. It’s Wednesday already, and therefore the other part is thinking What does one mean, it’s only Wednesday.

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Best feeling ever: once you check your timepiece and you've got 3 hours left to sleep.

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A simple morning, have an excellent day, or I really like you, goes an extended way…So I’m sending you all three.

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Hello, Good morning! I hope you have a ridiculously amazing day!

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I know you see all this sexiness, don’t just stare…Say good morning

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I need something quite coffee but cocaine

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Start your day with a smile. Good morning.

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If you create me COFFEE within the morning, I’ll love you forever, or a minimum of until the coffee is gone

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I love sleeping but I never want to go to sleep early…I stay up late every night, regret it every morning. Then do it all over again.

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Today will be amazing so wake up and smile, positivity is a choice, that becomes a lifestyle.

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I could be a morning person. If morning happened to be around noon.

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I awaken every day getting to be productive then a voice in my head says haha good one and we laugh and laugh and take a nap

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Sleep is my drug, my bed is my dealer and my alarm clock is the police. Good morning. Have a great day.

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Why can’t the morning news ever say Today has been canceled, now return to sleep

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Sanity is boring! I’m only crazy because I select to be that way. If I were sane, I wouldn’t be me, and being me is awesome, so I think I’ll stick to that.

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Good morning Wednesday. Spreading some early morning cheerfulness to urge your day started. Wishing you a lovely day.

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Waking up and realizing you’re still not rich.

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Once you awaken and smell the coffee, it’s hard to travel back to sleep.

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The world is gorgeous outside when there's stability inside.

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Good morning Love is not what you say; Love is what you do.

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A beautiful life does not just happen. It is built daily by prayers, humility, sacrifice & love. Good morning…

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Beautiful things don’t ask for attention

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Good morning! Wishing you each day filled with a sunny smile and happy thoughts!

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Good morning! May God bless you with a beautiful day.

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Find the sweetness in each and each moment, stay within the present and leave yesterday behind. Here’s to a clean slate on this gorgeous new day. Good morning!

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Life is gorgeous at some point, one hour and one minute, won't return in your entire life. Avoid fight, angry and speak lovely to each person

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Make this day beautiful. Good morning, friends!

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Good morning. Beautiful souls. Be kind to yourselves today.

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Good morning, the most beautiful girl.

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I am so lucky to have you in my life and in my entire life I want to wake up every morning with you

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Every day I feel may be a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.

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Being in love with you is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me. It gives me the reason to wake up every morning.

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As the morning sunrise creeps through the blinds, being with you is that the only thing on my mind

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I just want to come over, hug you tight and kiss you. Good morning!

Good morning message for lover in english | Morning motivation quotes in english |  Good morning quotes for wife in english | Good morning message for wife in english

I just woke up and you’re already on my mind. Good morning, sweetheart!

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Just wanted to say Good Morning to one of the people that means the world to me.

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I don’t know what is more romantic. The thought of meeting you soon or the dream I had about you last night Good morning

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When I want to smile I know exactly what to do, I just close my eyes and I think of you. Good morning my love

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I was smiling all night long because I used to be dreaming about you. This morning too is drenched with our love’s dreamy hues…

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Wake up my love, it’s time to share coffee with me, its time to feel happy. Good morning

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A beautiful morning to the simplest and most wonderful friend within the world.

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To my friends: Thanks for being there for me. I’m grateful for you!

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A friend is someone who listens to your bullshit, tells you that it is bullshit, and listens some more. Good morning

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A good friend is hard to find, hard to lose, and impossible to forget.

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Good morning, my friends! I pray that you and your family have a beautiful day. May God bless

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One of the best gifts you can give someone is thanking them for being part of your life! Good morning…Have a nice day

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To all my friends who have just woke up. Good morning!

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Today’s forecast for all my friends: if you are reading this message, nothing can stop you from having an incredible day.Good morning

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A friend is one who strengthens you with prayers, blesses you amorously, and encourages you with hope. Very good morning friends

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Going crazy with my best friends is the best moment ever. Good morning friend. Have a crazy day

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Today was not like yesterday and will never be like tomorrow. So always live life to the fullest and make the most of every day!

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promote world peace? Go home and love your family. -Mother Teresa

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Be pleasant until ten o’clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself. -Elbert Hubbard

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Be willing to be a beginner every single morning. -Meister Eckhart

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Each day is a little life: every waking and rising a little birth, every fresh morning a little youth, every going to rest and sleep a little death. ~Arthur Schopenhauer

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I get up every morning and it’s going to be a great day. You never know when it’s going to be over so I refuse to have a bad day. ~Paul Henderson

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Every positive thought is a silent prayer which will change your life. ~Bryant McGill

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Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have. ~Lemony Snicket

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She woke up every morning with the option of being anyone she wished. How beautiful it was that she always chose herself. ~Tyler Kent White

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The sunrise, of course, doesn’t care if we watch it or not. It will keep on being beautiful, even if no one bothers to look at it. ~Gene Amole

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When I first open my eyes upon the morning meadows and look out upon the beautiful world, I thank God I am alive. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. ~Marcus Aurelius

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When you do something beautiful and nobody notice, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps. ~John Lennon

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Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day. ~Alice Morse Earle

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Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself. ~Henry David Thoreau

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I simply wake up every morning a better person than when I went to bed. ~Sidney Poitier

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I hope your day is crammed with love and happiness. You don’t skill much you meant to me.

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Waking up is my favorite and most hated a part of the day. I can ask you once I am awake, but my dreams with you in the dark are always curtailed.

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Nothing is impossible once you put your mind, heart, soul, and sweat into it. Have an excellent morning.

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I don’t care whether it's day or night, as long as I even have my beautiful wife in view. morning.

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The best feeling within the world is to understand that you simply are mine and that I am yours. Every morning that's enough on behalf of me to possess an honest day.

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I don’t say it often enough, but I would like you to understand that I really like you. morning.

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This morning, I would like you to understand that you simply are the person of my dreams and that I am so lucky that you are my reality too. I really like it. I never ever want to lose you. morning 

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Sharing smiles with the one you're keen on is that the perfect thanks to starting the day

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Have an awesome morning, babe

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Saying morning isn't what makes the morning beautiful, it’s the very fact that you simply are there sharing each new day with those you're keen on and that’s all the best anyone would ever need.

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I love you within the morning, within the afternoon, within the evening, and underneath the noon

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Wake up, my love. Flowers, smiles, and laughter are expecting you. morning Love

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Nobody can return and begin a replacement beginning, but anyone can start today and make a replacement end. morning 

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Family is the most vital thing in the world. morning 

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No matter how good or bad your life is, awaken each morning and be thankful that you simply still have one. morning 

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The family where life begins and love never end.

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The best part of our life is when our family understands you as a lover & your friends support you as your family. morning

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Good morning my family. I don’t know when the simplest day is for you. except for me, all the times become best once I spend it with you.

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Life, family, and friends are worth quite all the cash within the world. morning.

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Every morning jogs my memory how lucky I'm to possess someone as special as you. morning. What are you able to do to

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If you've got the desired power, you'll definitely achieve success in your life. Wish you an excellent day ahead.

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Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation, there's bound to be a failure. morning.

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Take away negative thoughts and alter them to positive thoughts. As they said, a positive thought attracts positive things. morning.

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The morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day. morning.

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Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.

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I am so lucky to have you in my life and in my entire life I want to wake up every morning with you

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Beautiful souls. Be kind to yourselves today.

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Life is gorgeous at some point, one hour and one minute, won't return in your entire life. Avoid fight, angry and speak lovely to each person Make this day beautiful.

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Being in love with you is the most beautiful thing that has happened to me. It gives me the reason to wake up every morning.

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I can’t stop thinking about you today…tomorrow…always

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As the morning sunrise creeps through the blinds, being with you is that the only thing on my mind

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I just want to come over, hug you tight and kiss you. 

Good morning message for lover in english | Morning motivation quotes in english |  Good morning quotes for wife in english | Good morning message for wife in english

I just woke up and you’re already on my mind. Love you sweetheart!

Good morning message for lover in english | Morning motivation quotes in english |  Good morning quotes for wife in english | Good morning message for wife in english

Just wanted to say love you to one of the people that means the world to me.

Good morning message for lover in english | Morning motivation quotes in english |  Good morning quotes for wife in english | Good morning message for wife in english
I don’t know what is more romantic. The thought of meeting you soon or the dream I had about you last night

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Just thinking of you, your voice, and your smile can instantly brighten up my morning. I hope your morning is a great one

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When I want to smile I know exactly what to do, I just close my eyes and I think of you.  my love

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I was smiling all night long because I used to be dreaming about you. 

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One of the best gifts you can give someone is thanking them for being part of your life! 

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Have an awesome morning, babe

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Let the primary ray of sunshine will satisfy you with energy for the entire day. The energy with which you will move mountains. Good morning, my love.

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Wake up, my love. Flowers, smiles, and laughter are waiting for you

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May you start today with a smile on your face, and happily for your soul to embrace

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As I open my eyes every day, all I would like to ascertain is you. Good morning my dear, I sent you hugs and kisses in my thoughts. Hope you feel it.

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Let your most beautiful dream will become a reality.

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I love the sun for days, the moon for nights and you forever.

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Your smile is the only inspiration I need. The voice is the only motivation I need. Your love is the only happiness I need.

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Every day in my life is perfect because it starts with you

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My first thought when I opened my eyes, was about you. Your eyes, smile, hair, voice… I'm happy that a new day begins

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To the lady who makes me smile and warms my heart a day. I love you more than ever before.

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Passion is your fuel for a well-driven life.

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Life is like a book. Each day like a new page. So let the primary words you write be morning to you my love

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In this huge world, among thousands of cities, millions of cars and houses, the hustle and bustle, lives a beautiful girl. The best girl. To her, I want to say: I love you

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I’ll surrender my world to you if that's the sole way I could become a neighborhood of tours.

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Leave your worries yesterday and put up a smile today. I sent you a message to wish you a good morning with hugs and kisses to complete your day. 

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The star that makes love’s dream come true was shining on me when I met you.

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You light up my life!

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My love! You’re the dearest person for me. It’s a fairy tale to love you.

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Love isn't a brief minute explosion of crazy passion that will cloud our judgment. No, it’s something else… Love is the source of dreams, of deep respect, selfless devotion… Say admirable words to her

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Since I’ve spent the night dreaming about you, I want to spend the day cuddling up with you.

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When I found you, I felt as if my heart found its destination.